Saturday, January 15, 2011

Counting Source Code Keywords using Python 3

Now that I finished my last post about counting keywords in source code, I will give away the little script I did to help me with the counting. It definitively requires some improvements to cover some extra cases I did not consider, but it work just fine if you manage to avoid them... or even better, implement them yourself :D

1. Multi-line comments are not supported. If there are reserved words within the comments, they will be counted as keywords. But worry not; single line comments work fine.

2. Text literals are not supported. If there are reserved words within the string, they will be counted as keywords.

I think regular expressions can handle those 2 cases. I'll add those two features if I need them in the future.

The programming language used was Python version 3.1.3

I formatted some parts of the code to correctly display it using the size limit of this blog's page. For instance, if the script doesn't compile; try using one line comma separated lists and if statements.

I think the code is simple and very easy to read... that's what all programmers say about their own code, right? Anyway, here below, I will begin by showing, function by function, the code of the script including lots of unnecessary comments and some screen shots that help explain what it does. Next, I will show a complete example of how to use it and the output.
The complete script without comments it's available at the bottom of this post.

Dissecting the Script

# import from sys to handle script's (command line) parameters
import sys
# get_line_comment_char function returns the Language's single 
# line character(s)
# only one "single comments character" is taken in consideration 
# even if the language supports multiple single line comments
# I grouped languages using the same comment character to reduce 
# the number of ifs
def get_line_comment_char(language):
    language = language.lower()    
    if language in ('c#', 'csharp', 'cpp', 'cppcli', 'c++', 'c++cli', 'f#', 
                    'fsharp', 'boo', 'phalanger', 'php', 'delphiprism', 'delphi', 
                    'nemerle', 'groovy', 'java', 'fantom', 'fan', 'jscript', 
                    'jscriptnet', 'scala', 'javafx', 'javafxscript', 'gosu'):
        return '//'
    elif language in ('vb', 'vbnet', 'visualbasic'):
        return '\''
    elif language in ('jython', 'ironpython', 'python', 'jruby', 'ironruby', 
                    'ruby', 'cobra'):
        return '#'        
    elif language in ('zonnon'):
        return '(*'
    return None


# get_language_keywords function returns a list of all the 
# keywords (reserved words) for the given language
# except for the primitive types since I didn't consider them 
# as keywords for my comparison purposes
# if you need them, you can take the complete keywords lists 
# this blog's Keywords page
# I removed the lists to save space because it makes the program
# too long and less readable, so, in the function below, 
# for every ocurrence of keywords = '' you change '' with the list 
# of keywords of that language.
def get_language_keywords(language):
    language = language.lower()    
    if language == 'c#' or language == 'csharp':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'vb' or language == 'vbnet' 
        or language == 'visualbasic':        
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'cpp' or language == 'cppcli' 
        or language == 'c++' or language == 'c++cli':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'f#' or language == 'fsharp':        
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == "boo":
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'phalanger' or language == 'php':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'jython' or language == 'ironpython' 
        or language == 'python':        
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'jruby' or language == 'ironruby' 
        or language == 'ruby':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'delphiprism' or language == 'delphi':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'zonnon':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'nemerle':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'groovy':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'java':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'cobra':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'fantom' or language == 'fan':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'jscript' or language == 'jscriptnet':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'scala':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'javafx' or language == 'javafxscript':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'gosu':
        keywords = '' 
        keywords = ''
    return keywords.split()


# is_keyword function returns true if the given keyword is a 
# valid keyword in the given language
def is_keyword(key, language_keys):    
    if key in language_keys:
        return True
    return False


# remove_special_characters function removes special characters 
# from the given text and returns the resulting sequence
# special characters includes open and closing blocks, 
# operators, and so on (see the list below).
def remove_special_characters(text):
    special_characters = ('(','[','{','}',']',')','+','-','*','/','=','^','&',
                        '%','$','#','@','!','~','\'','\"', '?', '>', '<', ':', 
                        ';', ',', '.')
    for character in special_characters:
        text = text.replace(character, ' ')
    return text


# remove_duplicates_in_list function removes any duplicate value 
# found in the given sequence and returns the resulting sequence
def remove_duplicates_in_list(sequence):
    # Thanks to Dave Kirby for this function taken from comments in 
    seen = set()
    seen_add = seen.add
    return [x for x in sequence if x not in seen and not seen_add(x)]


# count_ocurrences_in_list function returns a new list of paired values 
# that contain the keyword and how many times it appeared in the code
# using the standard count method of the sequences types
def count_ocurrences_in_list(sequence):
    totals_by_word = []
    no_duplicates = remove_duplicates_in_list(sequence)
    for word in no_duplicates:
    return totals_by_word


# print_results function prints the given sequence to the console
# It displays the list of Keyword and Total Number of Keywords
def print_results(sequence):
    print('', end='\n')    
    for item in sequence:
        print('%s, %s' % (item[0], item[1]))    


# print_to_file function creates an output file and prints the given 
# sequence into it. 
# It writes the list of Keyword and Total Number of Keywords
def print_to_file(sequence, output):
    with open(output, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as output_file:
        for item in sequence:
            output_file.write('%s, %s\n' % (item[0], item[1]))



Opening CSV:

# Main function. The program's entry point.
def main(argv=None):
    # if command line arguments are not empty
    if argv is None:
        # assign them to the local sequence variable argv
        argv = sys.argv
    # validate the script was used correctly. 
    if len(argv) != 4:
        # Otherwise, print the usage message to the console
        print("usage: program language sourcefile outputfile")
        # and exit the script


# get command line arguments
    # parameter 2 should be the language of the source code you want to count
    programming_language = sys.argv[1]    
    # parameter 3 should be the file that contains the source code you want to count
    source_file = sys.argv[2]    
    # parameter 4 should be the file that will contain the counting results
    output_file = sys.argv[3]     
    # get the list of reserved words for the given programming language
    language_keywords = get_language_keywords(programming_language)
    # get the single line comment character for the given programming language
    comment_character = get_line_comment_char(programming_language)

Here I added some print() and exit() to stop execution of the script

# define a variable that will hold the total number of keywords found in the file
    total_keywords_found = 0
    # define a list that will store all valid language keywords found in the file
    list_of_keywords_found = []

line_number = 0
    # open a file as read only (default mode)
    with open(source_file, encoding='utf-8') as source_code:
        # navigate through the lines of the file
        for line in source_code:
            # get the line number. Used only for console display purposes
            line_number += 1

The following line adds the line number to the beginning of the line being read
print('{:>4} {}'.format(line_number, line.rstrip()), end='\n')

# remove line comment if there is one based on the 
            # language's single line comment character  
            comment_idx = line.find(comment_character)
            if comment_idx >= 0:
                line = line[0:comment_idx]


# remove special characters from remaining text in line 
            # (operators and open-close characters)
            line = remove_special_characters(line)
            # create a list with all remaining words in the line
            words = line.split()


# navigate through the words of the sequence
            for word in words:
                # if the current word is a valid keyword for the 
                # given language
                if is_keyword(word, language_keywords):                    
                    # add to the list of 
                    # "total keywords found in the source code" the word
                    # increment the number of total words found 
                    # in the source code
                    total_keywords_found = total_keywords_found + 1


# define a list that will store all paired 
    # values (keyword and total ocurrences of that keyword)
    totals_to_output = []    
    # insert first pair of values as the first element of the list, 
    # that is the Programming Language and the Total Keywords found
    # insert all other pairs of values (keyword and total ocurrences 
    # of that keyword) found on the source code


# print the results to the console
    # print the results to the output file
    print_to_file(totals_to_output, output_file)

# run the program
if __name__ == "__main__":    


Using the Script

How to use is was already shown in the step by step example above, but here below I just show you how I did the counting for my previous post "Keywords in source code Round 2"

First I created 2 folders:
1. SrcCode
2. OutCode

Then, I added all the source code files I wanted to count from into the SrcCode folder.

Next step was to create a batch file that runs the python script for all the files in the SrcCode folder.

And ran it

Console Output

Files Output in folder OutCode

Et VoilĂ ! I then started merging together the results and did the graphs.

Hope this script works for you or at least shows you some cool python features :)

Final Script

Just don't forget to add the language keywords! take them from the Keywords Page.
keywords = 'public private static internal for if else while switch'

import sys

def get_line_comment_char(language):
    language = language.lower()    
    if language in ('c#', 'csharp', 'cpp', 'cppcli', 'c++', 'c++cli', 'f#', 
                    'fsharp', 'boo', 'phalanger', 'php', 'delphiprism', 'delphi', 
                    'nemerle', 'groovy', 'java', 'fantom', 'fan', 'jscript', 
                    'jscriptnet', 'scala', 'javafx', 'javafxscript', 'gosu'):
        return '//'
    elif language in ('vb', 'vbnet', 'visualbasic'):
        return '\''
    elif language in ('jython', 'ironpython', 'python', 'jruby', 'ironruby', 
                    'ruby', 'cobra'):
        return '#'        
    elif language in ('zonnon'):
        return '(*'
    return None

def get_language_keywords(language):
    language = language.lower()    
    if language == 'c#' or language == 'csharp':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'vb' or language == 'vbnet' 
        or language == 'visualbasic':        
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'cpp' or language == 'cppcli' 
        or language == 'c++' or language == 'c++cli':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == "f#" or language == "fsharp":        
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == "boo":
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'phalanger' or language == 'php':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'jython' or language == 'ironpython' 
        or language == 'python':        
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'jruby' or language == 'ironruby' 
        or language == 'ruby':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'delphiprism' or language == 'delphi':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'zonnon':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'nemerle':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'groovy':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'java':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'cobra':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'fantom' or language == 'fan':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'jscript' or language == 'jscriptnet':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'scala':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'javafx' or language == 'javafxscript':
        keywords = '' 
    elif language == 'gosu':
        keywords = '' 
        keywords = ''
    return keywords.split()

def is_keyword(key, language_keys):    
    if key in language_keys:
        return True
    return False

def remove_special_characters(text):
    special_characters = ('(','[','{','}',']',')','+','-','*','/','=','^','&',
                        '%','$','#','@','!','~','\'','\"', '?', '>', '<', ':', 
                        ';', ',', '.')
    for character in special_characters:
        text = text.replace(character, ' ')
    return text

def remove_duplicates_in_list(sequence):
    seen = set()
    seen_add = seen.add
    return [x for x in sequence if x not in seen and not seen_add(x)]

def count_ocurrences_in_list(sequence):
    totals_by_word = []
    no_duplicates = remove_duplicates_in_list(sequence)
    for word in no_duplicates:
    return totals_by_word

def print_results(sequence):
    print('', end='\n')    
    for item in sequence:
        print('%s, %s' % (item[0], item[1]))    

def print_to_file(sequence, output):
    with open(output, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as output_file:
        for item in sequence:
            output_file.write('%s, %s\n' % (item[0], item[1]))

def main(argv=None):
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
    if len(argv) != 4:
        print("usage: program language sourcefile outputfile")

    programming_language = sys.argv[1]    
    source_file = sys.argv[2]    
    output_file = sys.argv[3]     
    language_keywords = get_language_keywords(programming_language)
    comment_character = get_line_comment_char(programming_language)
    total_keywords_found = 0
    list_of_keywords_found = []
    line_number = 0
    with open(source_file, encoding='utf-8') as source_code:
        for line in source_code:
            line_number += 1
            comment_idx = line.find(comment_character)
            if comment_idx >= 0:
                line = line[0:comment_idx]
            line = remove_special_characters(line)
            words = line.split()
            for word in words:
                if is_keyword(word, language_keywords):                    
                    total_keywords_found = total_keywords_found + 1

    totals_to_output = []    
    print_to_file(totals_to_output, output_file)
if __name__ == "__main__":    

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