Saturday, October 23, 2010

Cobra - Basics by Example

Continue with the Basics by Example; today's version of the post written in Cobra Enjoy!

You can copy and paste the code below in your favorite IDE/Editor and start playing and learning with it. This little "working" program will teach you the basics of the Programming Language.

There are some "comments" on the code added just to tell you what are or how are some features called. In case you want to review the theory, you can read my previous post, where I give a definition of each of the concepts mentioned on the code. You can find it here: 

Greetings Program - Verbose
# Cobra Basics
use System
namespace CobraGreetProgram

    class Greet is public
        # Fields or Attributes
        var __message as String
        var __name as String
        var __loopMessage as int
        pro message as String is public
                return __message
                __message = .capitalize(value)
        pro name as String is public
                return __name
                __name = .capitalize(value)
        pro loopMessage as int is public
                return __loopMessage
                __loopMessage = value
        # Constructor
        cue init is public
            __message = ''
            __name = ''
            __loopMessage = 0
        # Overloaded Constructor
        cue init(message as String, name as String, loopMessage as int) is public
            __message = message
            __name = name
            __loopMessage = loopMessage
        # Method 1
        def capitalize(val as String) as String is private
            # 'if-then-else' statement
            if val.length >= 1
                return val.capitalized
                return ''
        # Method 2
        def salute is public
            # 'for' statement 
            for i in __loopMessage
                print '[__message] [__name]!'
        # Overloaded Method 2.1
        def salute(message as String, name as String, loopMessage as int) is public
            # 'while' statement 
            i as int = 0
            while i < loopMessage
                print '[.capitalize(message)] [.capitalize(name)]!'
        # Overloaded Method 2.2
        def salute(name as String) is public
            # 'switch/case' statement is not supported  
            # using branch statement instead  
            dtNow as DateTime =
            branch dtNow.hour
                on 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11, __message = 'good morning,'
                on 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17, __message = 'good afternoon,'
                on 18 or 19 or 20 or 21 or 22, __message = 'good evening,'
                on 23 or 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5, __message = 'good night,'
                else, __message = 'huh?'
            print '[.capitalize(__message)] [.capitalize(name)]!'

    # Console Program
    class Program is public
        def main is shared
            # Define object of type Greet and Instantiate. Call Constructor            
            g as Greet = Greet()
            # Call Set Properties
            g.message = 'hello'
   = 'world'  
            g.loopMessage = 5
            # Call Method 2  
            # Call Overloaded Method 2.1 and Get Properties  
            g.salute(g.message, 'cobra', g.loopMessage)
            # Call Overloaded Method 2.2  
            # Stop and Exit  
            print 'Press any key to exit...'
Greetings Program - Minimal
# Cobra Basics
class Greet
    # Fields or Attributes
    var __message
    var __name
    var __loopMessage
    pro message as String
            return __message
            __message = .capitalize(value)
    pro name as String
            return __name
            __name = .capitalize(value)
    pro loopMessage as int
            return __loopMessage
            __loopMessage = value
    # Constructor
    cue init
        __message = ''
        __name = ''
        __loopMessage = 0
    # Overloaded Constructor
    cue init(message as String, name as String, loopMessage as int)
        __message = message
        __name = name
        __loopMessage = loopMessage
    # Method 1
    def capitalize(val as String) as String is private
        # 'if-then-else' statement
        if val.length >= 1
            return val.capitalized
            return ''
    # Method 2
    def salute
        # 'for' statement 
        for i in __loopMessage
            print '[__message] [__name]!'
    # Overloaded Method 2.1
    def salute(message as String, name as String, loopMessage as int)
        # 'while' statement 
        i = 0
        while i < loopMessage
            print '[.capitalize(message)] [.capitalize(name)]!'
    # Overloaded Method 2.2
    def salute(name as String)
        # 'switch/case' statement is not supported  
        # using branch statement instead  
        dtNow =
        branch dtNow.hour
            on 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11, __message = 'good morning,'
            on 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17, __message = 'good afternoon,'
            on 18 or 19 or 20 or 21 or 22, __message = 'good evening,'
            on 23 or 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5, __message = 'good night,'
            else, __message = 'huh?'
        print '[.capitalize(__message)] [.capitalize(name)]!'

# Console Program
class Program
    def main
        # Define object of type Greet and Instantiate. Call Constructor            
        g = Greet()
        # Call Set Properties
        g.message = 'hello' = 'world'  
        g.loopMessage = 5
        # Call Method 2  
        # Call Overloaded Method 2.1 and Get Properties  
        g.salute(g.message, 'cobra', g.loopMessage)
        # Call Overloaded Method 2.2  
        # Stop and Exit  
        print 'Press any key to exit...'

And the Output is:

Auto-Implemented Properties in Cobra
Auto-implemented properties enable you to quickly specify a property of a class without having to write code to Get and Set the property. The following code shows how to use them just like with VB.NET, C#, C++/CLI and so on.

pro <propname> [ as <type>] [from {var, <backingvariablename>} [= <initvalue>] ]

class Greet
    var __message
    var __name
    var __loopMessage
    pro message from __message
    pro name from __name
    pro loopMessage from __loopMessage
    # or you can just say from var as here below. it will look for
    # fields called (_|__)message and (_|__)name and (_|__)loopMessage
    # pro message from var
    # pro name from var
    # pro loopMessage from var
    cue init
        __message = ''
        __name = ''
        __loopMessage = 0    
    def capitalize(val as String) as String is private
        return val.capitalized
    def salute       
        print '[__loopMessage] [__message] [__name]!'

class Program
    def main
        g = Greet()        
        g.message = 'hello' = 'world'  
        g.loopMessage = 5        

More about Properties in Cobra's wiki site:

And the Output is:

Unit Test and Contracts in Cobra

As stated in my series post, I'm covering strictly basics OO and other basics constructs on my code examples, but in Cobra's case I would like to add that the way you should be doing Cobra (or... the Cobra-nic style (like in Pythonic je...)) should be using Unit Tests and Contracts right from your code using test and require instructions. However, I will just show an example and keep the explanation for future posts.
Let's see an example

extend String

    def capitalize as String
            assert ''.capitalize == ''
            assert 'x'.capitalize == 'X'
            assert 'X'.capitalize == 'X'
            assert 'cobrA'.capitalize == 'CobrA'
            branch .length
                on 0, return this
                on 1, return .toUpper
                else, return this[0].toString.toUpper + this[1:]

class Greet

    cue init(name as String)
        require name.length > 0
        _name = name.capitalize

    get name from var as String
    def salute
        print 'Hello [.name]!'

class GreetProgram
    """ Greet the world! """

    def main
        g = Greet('world')

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